Crystal Healing

Julie Longstreet Wehmeyer
7 min readDec 12, 2021

12 Crystals You Should Have

Please note: This article is going to touch on the healing properties found in quartz crystals. There are other healing stones and crystals, but this article will be focused on quartz only.

This is for informational purposes and not to be used for medical diagnosis.

Crystal healing has been around for practically as long as man has walked the earth. As an ancient healing art, crystal healing has been practiced by many cultures throughout time. Not only have the energies surrounding crystals been used for healing but also for spell work and divination. And on the plus side, they are pretty and colorful!

The practice of crystal healing has never fully stopped, although it has taken a backseat in the past. With the “New Age” movement in the 1980’s, a renewed interest in crystal healing took hold, and is now one of the most sought-after wellness practices.

What are Crystals?

Scientifically, a crystal is a solid whose atoms are arranged in a highly ordered repetitive manner. These are called crystal systems. If atoms in a mineral are arranged in a crystal system, the mineral is a crystal. Pretty simple and straight forward. It either is, or it is not.

Now, getting a little more technical, all minerals form in one of seven crystal systems: isometric, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, hexagonal, and trigonal. Each is distinguished by the geometric parameters of its unit cell, the arrangement of atoms repeated throughout the solid to form the crystal object we can see and feel.

Entire books have been written about the how, what, where and why of crystals. If you are interested in learning more about the science of it all, there are numerous sites online that will guide you in that direction. Again, for this article, we are dealing with the healing attributes of crystals.

Here are twelve quartz crystals everyone should have in their lives.

1. Rock Crystal or Clear Quartz

Description: This is the crystal most people think of when they think of crystals. It clear, or milky, and is a hard mineral composed of silicon dioxide which you can find in sandstone and granite. It is the second most abundant mineral on Earth after feldspar. A very common crystal that is found all over the world. Of note, rock crystals are six-sided representing the chakra system.

Use and Benefits: Rock crystal is an amazing all-purpose healing stone.

Rock crystal can supply increased energy. I keep one on my desk and one in my pocket at all times. Medically, it can reduce fever and can be used to stimulate the immune system preventing many serious disease. It can help heart functioning, helps bring oxygen (and clarity) to the brain, and can stabilize blood pressure.

2. Herkimer Diamond

Description: Herkimer diamonds are double-terminated quartz crystals which means that they have a point at both ends. They have 18 total faces. These are not real diamonds; it is just a name that was assigned. They are found within exposed outcrops of dolomite around Herkimer County, New York and the Mohawk River Valley.

Use and Benefits: Herkimer diamonds can help ease dream states, astral travel, lucid dreaming and will help you remember your dreams. I keep one under my pillow, and of course, on my desk. I will also sometimes hold one when meditating as they can help focus on intent. They can help balance and align the chakras.

3. Ametrine

Description: Ametrine is a naturally occurring quartz that is a mixture of amethyst and citrine with zones of purple and yellow or orange. All commercially available ametrine is mined in Bolivia. Sometimes, ametrine is called tystine or Bolivianite.

Use and Benefits: Ametrine is a cleansing stone and can help remove toxins and negative energy from the body. It can help strengthen the immune system and help with clearing stress, soothing emotions, and relieving depression. It also has an unusual benefit in that it enhances acceptance of others while helping to end prejudices. I put one in a cloth bag when I bathe. It is also a great crystal to carry on your person if you know you are going to be attending a highly stressful event.

4. Amethyst

Description: You are probably familiar with amethyst, which is a very popular gemstone, purple in color. An interesting side note of this beautiful crystal is that name comes from the Koine Greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α- a-, “not” and μεθύσκω methysko / μεθώ metho, “intoxicate.” It used to be thought that amethyst could prevent drunkenness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in this belief.

Use and Benefits: Amethyst can protect you against negative energies and can help with headaches and emotional balance. It is a mental stone. It is also considered a strongly spiritual crystal in that it can help in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance and can open intuition and psychic abilities. I personally have cured headaches on my numerous times with a crystal placed on my third eye.

5. Blue Quartz

Description: Blue quartz is not a singular scientific species of quartz, but is actually a term used for three unusual types of quartz:

a. Crystalline quartz that is blue due evenly distributed inclusions of blue minerals.

b. Tourmaline, a coarse grained, crystalline form of blue quartz.

c. Aventurine quartz that is also colored by embedded blue minerals, like dumortierite.

Use and Benefits. Blue quartz is an unusual crystal in that it can adjust to the person that holds it making it a great stone for a crystal healer. It helps with creativity, communications and detoxification. It also aids in connecting with your spirit guides.

6. Chalcedony

Description: Chalcedony is a microcrystalline form of silica consisting of fine intergrowths of quartz and moganite. Chalcedony, like blue quartz, is not scientifically its own mineral species but a form of quartz in microcrystalline form.

Use and Benefits: Chalcedony can help rebuild the immune system, repair mucous membranes, and heal throat, sinus or east problems. Needless to say, it is a great crystal to wear as a necklace.

7. Citrine

Description: Citrine is a yellow to brownish-red variety quartz. It is a popular gemstone, and in fact, the second most popular behind amethyst. Interestingly, most citrine is formed by heat treating purple amethyst. There is a rare natural citrine and occurs in lighter hues.

Use and Benefits: Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra. It will support a family environment. It also supports the healing of the spine, digestive and elimination organs, and metabolism.

Side Note: My ex-husband and I had a small new age shop in the late 90’s and a customer came in wanting a citrine necklace. We had some for sale that were on leather cords. As stated above, these stones are yellow in hue. The one we sold him was rock crystal on the top and then citrine on the bottom. About a month afterward he came in and showed up the stone. It was entirely black from the inside out. The man claimed it pulled the disease out of his body. It was quite astounding.

8. Rose Quartz

Description: As may be ascertained by its name, rose quartz is rosy and pink. The color is usually fairly soft. It is fairly common and can be found all over the world. It tends to occur in large formations which allows extremely large gemstones to be cute from it.

Use and Benefits: Rose quartz is connected to the heart chakra, the center of love. Rose quartz will help deepen relationships, find true love, embrace kindness, compassion and tenderness toward yourself and others. This is my favorite crystal by far. I always have on my hand (ring) and in my pocket, by my bed, and on my desk. My main problem is keeping my granddaughter from stealing them!

9. Prasiolite

Description: Prasiolite is a green quartz sometimes known as green amethyst or vermarine. Almost all natural prasiolite comes from a small Brazilian mine but has also been mined in Poland. It is almost mined out.

Use and Benefits: This is an extremely spiritual stone in that it helps when connecting to Source. It is a tremendously healing stone, especially with emotions and feelings. If you can get one, I highly recommend it.

10. Rutilated Quartz

Description: Rutilated quartz is a transparent quartz with golden yellow inclusions that appear hairlike. The inclusions can range from thin, sparse, and parallel, to thick, dense, and crisscrossed, and everything in-between.

Use and Benefits: Rutilated 1uartz relieves fears, phobias and anxiety. It also promotes forgiveness at all levels. It is helpful for chronic conditions and for impotence and infertility.

11. Sceptered Quartz

Description: Sceptered quartz is a crystal in which a second-generation crystal tip forms on top of another quart crystal. The younger tip tends to be must larger than the first tip. To be considered a sceptered quarter, the second general tip must grow parallel to the underlying crystal.

Use and Benefits: Scepters help with self-forgiveness. It also helps with enhancing intelligence, focus, and intent.

12. Smoky Quartz

Description: Smoky Quartz is the brown “smoky” variety of quartz ranging in color from light gray to deep black. It almost always is transparent. Recently it has become a popular gemstone.

Use and Benefits: Smoky quartz helps with grounding, detoxifying, helps with humor. It is a lovely stone to have in your collection.

I highly recommend putting together a collection of these crystals for your daily use. This is a short and cursory informational article on this subject.



Julie Longstreet Wehmeyer

My story is filled with broken pieces, terrible choices, and ugly truths. It is also filled with comebacks, peace in my soul, and a grace that has saved me.