Startled awake from what felt
Like a deep, endless slumber,
I felt you caressing my feet.
Your delicate hands as soft and cool
As the finest satin.
Like I remembered them to be.
Lady’s hands that never toiled.
How can this be?
I buried you myself
In hidden sacred ground
More than 30 years ago.
Yet, now, here you are.
Where have you been?
Why are you here?
Where am I?
I asked those questions
But my lips never moved or quivered.
You knew and answered me with your heart
And smiled with such love and kindness.
My heart clenched and surged in my chest as
I doubled over in relief
And so much love.
“Darling, it’s time. It’s time to fly home.”
My arms, shoulders and back were tingling
As my skin had started to rip and tear
In tiny straight lines.
In a zig zag jagged pattern.
Tiny white tendrils were emerging through.
There was no pain
Just a tremendous sense of relief
And coming home.
And a surge of strength
Enveloped in warm feelings
Of being blanketed in love.
My weak and old bones felt so strong …
Stronger than they had in decades.
I’m growing wings.
Feathers turning golden at the tips.
My mortal life was through.
My tired flesh and bones
Were no longer needed.
Life was over.
Devoid of me.
Yet my spirit was bursting
Full of love and freedom
And you.
I am empty and full
At the same time.
I just want to fly.
I want to fly home.
I want to fly home with you.
Our wings wrapped around each other.
My hot gold against your cool silver.
Diving and soaring
Through the stars and the Universe.
As we have done through eternity.
We are finally together.